Program Usage

The program provides a selfexplaining, easy-to-use interface. Therefore only some useful "hidden" features wiill be discussed here:

Special features of the user interface

Behaviour of analysis

Additional Benchmark features



Special features of the user interface
Most pages are divided into frames and you can resize them with splitters in between them. Grab them and drag them up or down.
Row sorting in grids can be achieved by clicking on the desired column title. Click again, to reverse the sort order.
The program provides also a keyboard interface. Look at those hotkeys of menu items, that allow accessing all parts of the user interface.
All analysis results are written to database tables (csv format) in the program sub folder \data. Note, that you need Write privileges, in order to save files to a program folder.
Right click a grid, in order to save or print its content, or to open a fulltext search panel .


Behaviour of analysis
After clicking onto an item in the left-sided menu bar, the corresponding analysis will be automatically performed at once. This is different for drive benchmarks. At first, select the drives to be benchmarked, then click "Run benchmark".
The "Refresh" button allows to repeat a test, either once or at intervalls (use spinup control on the right side of the button).


Additional Benchmark features
To save your own results click the button "Save results".
The checkbox column of a table allows to insert/delete results into/from the chart in!

To select the data to be visualized in a chart, click on the desired entry in the right-sided Chart Value listbox.